Wednesday, March 1, 2017

We're Staying!

We're staying in St. Croix!
For another month...

It was bittersweet to say good-bye to our team this morning as they head back to Kona for debrief without us. We have treasured our time with this new extension of our 'family' and hope to see them when our paths meet again.

The Fisher crew has decided to stay another month in St. Croix as we are praying about our plans for the future. The base is in immediate need of a new septic system which Matt has offered to design and install along with several other maintenance projects (See photos of our housing and the YWAM base here), we are continuing a marriage study with our mentors here, partnering with local service ministries, and considering the invitation of long term or quarterly service here as the base is in leadership transition.

I wish there was a way to adequately share all the ways we have seen God build his kingdom here in St. Croix (Find out more about island needs here). Our newsletter overview will have to do for now, until we can visit with you in person when we return in mid April.

Celebrating Black History Month

It was an honor to be invited to join the  Martin Luther King parade ceremonies with speakers that shared perspectives on accomplishments and setbacks for their community. An 8-year-old islander recited Dr. King's famous speech, "I Have a Dream" and we shared a moment of silence for fallen community members. We have encountered many residents struggling with fear about recent presidential policies regarding race and government assistance programs they have relied on (Crucians do not have U.S. voting rights as St. Croix is a territory owned by the United States).

 (The Golden Woman of 2016) asked for prayer for God's protection as she works at the local Casino where she has witnessed brawls but is grateful for the income her job has provided.

Paradise Mills Ministry

Long term missionaries here have developed relationships with residents of Paradise Mills government housing community that has become one or our family's highlights of the week. We visit to play games and share circle time devotions with our young friends there. Matt installed a much needed garbage can on new their playground last week.

Some kids seem to find a way into our hearts more quickly than others.

Once a week the Paradise Mills kids are invited to the base for dance, skate, and day camp activities. (Watch video clip here).

Lighthouse Homeless Ministry & Tutoring

We help serve weekly at the Lighthouse mission in downtown Christiansted by leading morning devotions, helping with clothing distribution, and tutoring children after school.

Friends at Lighthouse Mission

Our team also helped set up the Lighthouse Annual Fundraiser Event

Kings Kids Camps

Another highlight for our family was the beach campout with discipleship training for youth in King's Kids.

Basketball & Fitness 

Several times a week, the campus gates are opened to the community for basketball that is a draw for many local young men. The base has vision for more functional fitness in the future and Matt has enjoyed designing the first pull-up bars towards these goals .

Building the Wall

Our team devoted almost an entire week to help rebuild a stone wall for a long-term missionary family. The wall was once part of the original driveway boundary for the entrance to the sugar mill plantation that the base is built on.

Real Life

While most of our time on DTS is devoted to serving others and sharing the love of Jesus in the community, there are so many moments that have built our character and friendships in simple ways through real challenges and surprises like trying to keep a van full of kids quiet or tackling the base pig that got loose and laughing with each other along the way.

We have also been learning how to process our personal growth in many different ways including using simple color and line expressions. (Watch video of blindfolded warm-up activity here).

As we have grown to love our new friends here we are missing home and look forward to sharing life with you all again when we return to Alaska in mid April.

Thank you for your continued support and prayer for our family as we are on mission. We pray for you often as you walk out your own!